Showing posts with label wraithnine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wraithnine. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Customs for the Kid" Display at "Star Wars Spectacular"

On Sunday, April 7, 2013, Customs for the Kid brought their traveling museum of Star Wars custom action figures to the Star Wars Spectacular event in Woodbridge, NJ. Attendees were treated to an exhibition of Star Wars custom action figures created by talented customizing artists such as: Stronox, Sillof, Luke Sprywalker, Chewie, Wraithnine, Hangarbay94, Peakob1, SithHappens, Omar Rivera, Incom aka Mr. Black's Customs, Lucasclones, Stocos28, JACKOFTRADZE, Darth Daddy, Elias, and more.  Also on display were video tutorials that are featured on our blog as well as the entertaining Youtube cult classic show Kessel Run Review.

The display table stayed pretty packed throughout the day and brought attention to the blog's online museum of Star Wars custom action figures and the featured artists. We were really impressed with the crowd turnout, and loved the reaction of all the attendees to what we had on display. It was even cooler when our table recieved visits from Star Wars customizers darthstreams and Dave Castle aka StarWarsGeek.   StarWarsGeek even brought us a bag of his casted heads that he sells from his online store.  Hopefully we will get to take the show on the road again sometime soon.

Everything set up at our table.

Dad had his "Customs I Wish I Owned" videos playing throughout the day.

All the figures were on display with white tags displaying the names of the artists who created each figure.

Getting everything together the night before.

Setting up the display cases at home while we create all the display tags on the printer.  The "Mando" was created by Luke Sprywalker, the "Star Wars - 1942: Chuck Backer" was created by Sillof, and the "Nar Shaddaa Interceptor Patrol Vehicle" was created by Hangarbay94.  We later added Incom's "Weeguay Speeder Bike" to the display case.  We almost didn't bring it because Dad was afraid it would get damaged in transit.  I was right and it made it there and back just fine.

The "Nightsister" figures created by Darth Daddy, Peakob1, and Elias.

Orgainizing the figures we would have on display for our "Customizer Spotlight" display cases at SWS.  The "Clone Troopers" were made by Lucasclones, the "Mandalorian" was made by SithHappens, "Kelos" and the "Utai" were created by Chewie, "Vilmarh Grahrk" was created by Stronox, and “Arleil Schous” was created by JACKOFTRADZE.

We had a display case featuring "Hondo Ohnaka's Weequay Pirate Gang" created by Peakob1 and Darth Daddy.

"Shadows of the Empire" and "Clone Wars" action figures created by Peakob1.  "Mandalorian Bounty Hunter - Kel Sha'rak" and astromechs by Wraithnine.  The "Thisspiasian Jedi" was created by Omar Rivera.  The "Death Troopers" were created by Mikeys customs, Darth Daddy, Stocos28 & darthjohnboystoys.

"Dark Times K'Kruk" created by Omar Rivera.

A mix of figures on display from Darth Daddy and Elias of Customs for the Kid along with "Ziro's Droid" created by Wraithnine.

 Information was available on the "Smuggler's Gambit" Custom Action Figure Contest that we are promoting with RebelForce Radio.

Darth Daddy's "Smuggler Ship with Pop the Ewok"

 Customs for the Kid was interviewed about the blog by local media that attended the event.

I spy Star Wars customizer darthstreams on hand at the event located in the upper right hand corner of the photo.

Our Star Wars Spectacular video was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

RebelForce Radio and Customs for the Kid present...

Sunday, April 7, 2013


To all our fans in the Woodbridge, NJ area, Customs for the Kid will be attending Star Wars Spectacular in Woodbridge, NJ today. Darth Daddy and Elias will be there with an assortment of customs created by Customs for the Kid, as well as several other customizers featured on the blog's Customizer Spotlight. Information on the "Smuggler's Gambit" Custom Action Figure Contest will be on hand and we'll be having a raffle where the prize will be a Customs for the Kid custom action figure. Stop by, we'd love to meet you.

Other artist's work being featured at our table will be custom action figures found on our Customizer Spotlight page. There will be custom Star Wars action figures created by: Luke Sprywalker, Hangarbay94, Stronox, Peakob1, Lucasclones, Wraithnine, Sillof, Chewie, and many more artist's work on display. It's a chance to see some signature pieces from our collection in person. We realize that not everyone can make it, so we'll do our best to document the event.  We will be playing Dad's Celebration 6: Custom Action Figure Panel Commemorative Video to make sure we expose attendees of the event to as many different artists as we can while we are there. If your work was in that video it will be on display for this day's event. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Celebration VI:
Star Wars Customizing Action Figure Panel
Commemorative Video
 created by Darth Daddy

This is a video featuring the custom artwork of several of the artists that have allowed us to display their work here on our blog.  We would have loved to display the work of countless other artists, but because we did not have the time to ask their permission, their work sadly does not appear in the video. When we first started CFTK, we developed a customizer directory where we provide our audience with a way to see work of the artists we help to promote, as well as video montages of their creations.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013


To all our fans in the Woodbridge, NJ area, Customs for the Kid will be attending Star Wars Spectacular in Woodbridge, NJ this weekend.  Darth Daddy and Elias will be there with an assortment of customs created by Customs for the Kid, as well as several other customizers featured on the blog.  Stop by, we'd love to meet you.  Other artist's work being featured at our table will be custom action figures created by: Luke Sprywalker, Hangarbay94, Stronox, Peakob1, Lucasclones, Wraithnine, Sillof, Chewie, and more.  It's a chance to see some really signature pieces in person.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

Monday, November 26, 2012


So you're all in for a real astromech treat.  We've been wanting to do this post for over a month now, but it never got put together until now.  The good news is we have a lot of these long overdue treats coming down the assembly line.

These next two droids were both created by Star Wars action figure customizer Wraithnine.  When Dad heard that Wraithnine was selling the R2-C2 that he created, Dad thought it would be cool if we gave him a home next to the Ziro the Hutt that Dad created.  Dad bought him right away as a birthday present for me back in October.

What's even cooler was that Wraithnine sent me a R2-T8 astromech as a birthday gift from him.  Thanks so much Jay! That was very generous of you.  The droid is a shining example of why you are the astromech GOD! I love seeing Ziro and R2-C2 next to each other.  Your droids make my room more magical.

 "Ziro's Droid R2-C2"
created by Wraithnine

created by Wraithnine

You can see more custom action figures from Wraithnine here on Imperial Shipyards:
Wraithnine has a channel on Youtube under the name of Rasputin37  that you can find here:
He posts as Wraithnine on here: