Wish they made more female Star Wars action figures? We feel you.
We know there are a lot of fangirls out there just waiting for a stronger female presence in the Star Wars action figure line.
We like a more balanced Star Wars action figure collection in our house. I want a girl to have as much fun playing in my room as me, and Star Wars has always been an excellent bridge when kids are looking for something fun to play. Let's be honest, Star Wars is for everyone. Am I right? I can't tell you how many girls we have met who have grown up playing with Star Wars toys and have very fond memories of doing so.
We have heard from Hasbro that female figures don't always sell well.
As customizers we snatch up any well made female action figure by the dozens just for something to build off of.
This page is our desire of Hasbro. This page is a page of what could be.
It can also be the place that inspires all you ladies to make some of your own custom action figures. Dad says it's a great hobby to do with your kids for you older ones out there.
We know there are a lot of fangirls out there just waiting for a stronger female presence in the Star Wars action figure line.
We like a more balanced Star Wars action figure collection in our house. I want a girl to have as much fun playing in my room as me, and Star Wars has always been an excellent bridge when kids are looking for something fun to play. Let's be honest, Star Wars is for everyone. Am I right? I can't tell you how many girls we have met who have grown up playing with Star Wars toys and have very fond memories of doing so.
We have heard from Hasbro that female figures don't always sell well.
As customizers we snatch up any well made female action figure by the dozens just for something to build off of.
This page is our desire of Hasbro. This page is a page of what could be.
It can also be the place that inspires all you ladies to make some of your own custom action figures. Dad says it's a great hobby to do with your kids for you older ones out there.
We recommend checking out the art of many fangirl customizers. Lady Ithiryl started customizing to enhance her son's collection. Wookielover1138 has been a great ambassador for the customizing community with her show Kessel Run Review and not only spends her time promoting other artist's work, but she also exhibits some pretty solid skills of her own. Recently, young Fangirl sisters Fern and Lida Stuart created a Star Wars custom action figure blog Coruscant Customs that is definitely worthy of a look. Longtime customizer Christina Cruz just made her first Star Wars custom and it is the best Mara Jade figure we've ever laid eyes on. For the longest time now, we thought that we were only one of two individuals who owned a Sabine Tie Fighter from the Star Wars Rebels television series. That is until we saw the newly painted Tie Fighter created by The Dorky Diva, Savanna Kiefer who gifted her stellar creation to her boyfriend Eric Pheifer. We're always on the hunt for more female customizers, so message us with your links and we'll post them here!
The next artist on display I discovered on Instagram. I saw a one-of-a-kind handmade "Youngling Ahsoka Tano" doll that was made by missupsetter that I wish was available for purchase. I would have bought it on the spot. She details the build process she went through and documents the countless hours she invested into creating this beautiful piece. This is something I wish we could see mass produced one day.
"Mara Jade" created by Christina Cruz
"Hello Kitty Trooper" by Wookielover1138
Another artist we recently discovered was Jedi Ash Designs run by Ashley M. Kalfas from Colorado Springs, Colorado. She makes some really unique Star Wars poseable dolls inspired by the Monster High line that are just extraordinary. Her work is so eye catching I strongly considered running over to her Etsy store to pick up one of her figures to add to our home collection.
Her work can also be found at these links: