Star Wars custom action figures from "Customs for the Kid" in 2022.
Another year behind us! Sometimes, it's hard to believe we have been at this for so long, but with a strong passion for my work as well as all my income now coming from it, I start to realize why I stick with it. This is the first year that the content on the blog was almost completely driven by our fans. Specifically, the people who commissioned us to make them a one-of-a-kind Star Wars action figure. Therefore, many of the creations from this past year are no longer in our possession. Instead these action figures now decorate the shelves of our many patrons who continue to support our craft, for which we will always be immensely grateful.
We were super excited for the most recent of these customs. A Christmas gift to Allison, the actor who works as Ouaani aboard the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser! Due to the recipient of this gift being so familiar with the design of this character, there was no room for error. This was an immensely special project we were privileged of being tasked with and we were so happy to see that Allie was pleased with our results.
We also want to continue to put the spotlight on all the other artists whose work we've featured this past year! We highly recommend acquiring these kits, prints, and customizing items that we used at home for your own custom Star Wars action figure projects. For example, our Black Krrsantan and AZI wouldn't have been possible without the resin kits of Outer Rim Traders.
A big thanks to Watto's Scrapyard for the Koska Reeves and Kanan Jarus heads to help cut down on the time it would have taken to make these headsculpts!
We hope you enjoyed the lovely work of our good friend, Angry Raccoon Miniatures whose 3D printed design helped us bring the Rolo PK droid to life back in April of this year. Thanks to a new batch of Molotow Chrome Pens I bought, this droid is looking shinier than ever!
Another artists' work we featured this year was a painted headcast of Obi-Wan Kenobi made by Spartan 118 Customs. The head looked fabulous on the spare Obi-Wan body we had in fodder and was a great addition to our "Revenge of the Sith" collection.
We also want to give a shout out to Aude's Workshop for the beskar pauldron resin print we purchased from him to make this version of Din Djarin.
Our same post featured the Blurrgs by Uzay Customs.
As well as the Heavy Machine Cannon also made by Uzay Customs.
Be sure to check out the print files we share from Isotelus that helped us make this GNK droid from "The Phantom Menace".
Printed GNK droid design by Isotelus.
Big fans of the 80's Ewok films may enjoy reading the Customizer Spotlight feature we did this year on Etsy seller Two Mirror Treasures. These pictures are just a sample of the items we added to our collection from this talented artist.
We also want to take the time to thank Jedi Insider for all the "Custom of the Week" features in 2022!
We would also like to give a huge thank you to @greedo_collection on Instagram for the time he took to create these TVC images of our custom action figures earlier this year!

Wonderful mock up imagery courtesy of @greedo_collection on Instagram.
Probably what excited me most this year was to get a little assistance from my Dad on the blog again (it's a lot of work and incredibly demanding). Darth Daddy did the quick Maul headswap at the beginning of the year to share an easy custom with our readers that could be made at home with parent supervision by just about anyone, regardless if they had any previous customizing experience, as long as they had the proper safety measures, parts and tools available to them. Dad also did the figure sculpt for the Kanan Jarrus action figure we shared for our 12-year anniversary post. It was nice to see him participate in action figure creation again after his announced retirement in 2020. Especially because when Dad retired it was just before eye surgeries to both of his eyes to save his vision. Two years later, both eyes are relatively healed and the loss of vision was frozen in place. Painting Dad's first return figure since his 2 year hiatus was really quite special, and I can see how Dad would be drawn to sculpting a Kanan action figure since the character is a fitting symbol for Dad's own healing journey.
We can't wait to show you what our fans have in store for you all in 2023! We already have a more than full list of commissions to get through that will likely carry the blog straight through to summer so be sure to keep checking in! We wish you all a Happy New Year and may the Force be with you!