This is one of the coolest commission requests an artist could ask for. We are huge Assaj Ventress fans here at Customs for the Kid. Getting to give her our version of a proper send off is a dream come true. Sure this Ventress figure was easily one of the most difficult paint applications we ever had to do on a custom action figure but the final results are more than we ever could have hoped for.
Both Assaj Ventress and Quinlan Vos are 100% sculpted and loaded with articulation. Ventress features a ball jointed head, ball jointed upper torso, ball jointed shoulders, ball jointed elbows, swivel forearms, ball jointed hips, swivel thighs, ball jointed knees and rocker ankles. Quinlan Vos has a ball jointed head, ball jointed shoulders, ball jointed elbows, swivel wrists, swivel waist, ball jointed hips, ball jointed knees and rocker ankles. Even his shoulder pads have the ability to move in place thanks to some genius engineering implemented to increase shoulder articulation.
The accessories we were able to include, while challenging to produce, really enhance the figures. The magnetically attached Nightsister bow was created in Blender and printed on our 3D printer with Tenacious resin for maximum durability. believe it or not, the goggles on Ventress were actually handsculpted and snap on and off with ease. The Ventress lightsaber was half of a Darth Maul lightsaber that was molded and casted in a dyed yellow resin then painted to bring out the details. For Vos the guns were molded and casted from a Hoth Han Solo action figure.
created by Elias
Diorama by Hyperdrive
Diorama by Hyperdrive
Diorama by Hyperdrive

Head, Modified Upper Torso, Arms, Lower Thighs, Knees, and Top of Shin - Clone Wars animated Assaj Ventress action figure
Lower Torso, Hips, Upper Thighs, Lower Shins, Modified Feet and Rocker Ankles - Marvel Valkyrie action figure
Elbows - Clone Wars animated Adventure Padme Amidala