May the 4th Be With You! This will only be one of many reveals you are sure you to come across on this year's Star Wars Day!
Today we have a figure reveal for you all! Fozec is an action figure Dad has been wanting to add to my collection for many years now. Fozec received some serious screen time in the Jabba's Palace scenes from "Return of the Jedi". Fozec can be found behind Han and Leia after Han was freed from his Carbonite block and Fozec was also standing behind Jabba when Luke first arrived at Jabba's Palace and making his iconic fall into the Rancor pit.
Thanks to some friends of ours we were able to bring Fozec to life. We had a friend overseas, John Evergrey who provided us with a headsculpt that they had made and another friend, Peak-OB1 Custom Creations provided us with Fozec's trident. From there we just needed to sculpt our own torso, some legs, and some arms. Dad and I took turns with all of the sculpting passes on this figure until all that we had left to do was add some paint to the completed sculpt. Dad and I took turns here with the paint too and what you see is the final result of all of our efforts.
Fozec was a spy for the Empire who kept tabs on Jabba's activities for the ISB. Obviously he was good at his job because Jabba trusted him to have his back when Jedi Luke Skywalker paid him a visit and he was right behing Han and Leia after Solo was freed from his carbonite prison makingbsure he had arms length control over the situation. Fozec secretly hoped to leave the Empire and pursue lucrative opportunities in the criminal underworld. He died on Jabba's Sail Barge at the hands of the aforementioned trio and a few of their friends.
Strange that such an integral character to Jabba's court who had so much screentime never made into figure form yet. Demand is growing though. @swtvc had their March Madness this year and he made it into the bracket to he voted on, so collectors do want him. We can't tell you how many custom versions of him we have gotten from the customizer community.
We had to do so an exhaustive number of screen captures from the film to figure out what Fozec looked like from behind to determine what the leather strapping looked like along his back, then find good angles on the inside of his gauntlets so they were represented well. It took quite awhile before we figured out if he was wearing kneepads or just leather bindings. Figuring out if he had a gun and holster was a chore too. We think we delivered the best Fozec available and if he ever does get released, we hope our research saves people a few hours of pressing rewind and pause. Anyone who wants the screen captures for one of their own projects shoot us an email.
We hope we did him justice.
created by "Customs for the Kid"

Jimmy Mac and Jason Swank of
Rebel Force Radio with
Darth Daddy &
Elias of
"Customs for the Kid".

Grammy and Tony award-winning composer Robert Lopez was a guest on the podcast.

High Adventure performing.
Celebrate Star Wars Day, May The 4th Be With You, at Downtown Live!Star Wars Day is an informal commemorative day observed annually on May 4 to celebrate the Star Wars media franchise created by filmmaker George Lucas. Dress in your best Star Wars costumes and enjoy the day with fellow fans! The cost of admission includes all activities offered, no additional purchases necessary for the film (food and drink not included). Kids under 3 are free!Beginning at 3PM, the art gallery below the theater will have art work, comic books and photo opportunities with your favorite Star Wars characters! Enjoy food and drinks from our vendors inside and outside. Bristol Public Library will be in attendance providing giveaways and paperback books of the Star Wars variety from 3-6PM.4-6:00PM - Travel upstairs to the Rockwell Theater, where the renowned podcast, Rebel Force Radio will perform a live show!
Fast-paced, fun, and informative, Rebel Force Radio offers the best in STAR WARS news and commentary. The show is unmatched when it comes to interviews with the legends of Star Wars. RFR listeners have enjoyed our conversations with Star Wars creator George Lucas, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Frank Oz, Billy Dee Williams, Jon Favreau, Seth Green, Anthony Daniels, and many more STAR WARS film and TV actors, authors, artists, and producers. For more about Rebel Force Radio, please visit www.rebelforceradio.comArt Gallery: 6:00-7:00PM - Meet and greet with Rebel Force Radio co-hosts, Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac. We'll also have photo opportunities inside and outside of the theater (weather dependent).
Theater: 6:00-7:15PM - Join Kessel Temple for The Padawan Training Institute! Younglings (suggested ages 6-10) learn about the ways of the Force and how to wield a lightsaber from real Jedi Masters! At the conclusion of the program, younglings are given the rank of "Padawan"! Kessel Temple is the Connecticut chapter of Saber Guild, an international Star Wars lightsaber performance organization. There will be two classes, with availability for 18 younglings, signups will be first come, first served at the theater. Enjoy a live light saber performance on stage, great for the kids!
7:30-9:30PM - Get comfortable in Rockwell Theater and enjoy the 1980 film, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (PG) - The Rebels scatter after the Empire attacks their base on the ice planet Hoth. Han Solo and Princess Leia are pursued by Imperials, while Luke trains with Jedi Master Yoda. But when Luke battles Darth Vader, he learns the shocking truth of his past.