We just got the last of the Hasbro released Star Wars Rebels figures that we wanted in more articulated form. Star Wars customizer, SWK Kustoms, really transformed Hasbro's action figure of Cikatro Vizago by adding ball-jointed elbows, knees, and ankles to their five point articulated figure. SWK Kustoms even added some swivel wrists as well.
Here at Customs for the Kid, we had always wondered what this line would have looked like if consumers were able to obtain the superior craftsmanship that was available in The Clone Wars 3 3/4" action figure line, before the quality of the action figures was drastically reduced. The idea of more articulated Rebels action figures was just dreamy. Deep down I think many collectors wanted to more articulated figures made and available on store shelves. Especially if they opened their figures.
Vizago was the fifth Rebels custom action figure we purchased from SWK Kustoms. We really liked how he maintained the Hasbro aesthetic in his customization of his Rebels figures. The action figures all had extremely durable construction and were manufactured out of ball joints taken from multiple action figures. (It takes the ball joints from several super-articulated action figures to create a custom action figure that was made out of a 5 POA figure. This means improving the articulation on the action figure can become a very costly enterprise.)
When we saw SWK Kustoms Rebels figures available for purchase, our immediate response was to buy them right away. The savings we'd receive just in parts and labor alone made purchasing his versions a real bargain. Because we were already in the process of working on more than six custom Rebels figures of our own and we were using the same technique with the very same style that he was...it was a no brainer. It was like shopping out half of the work on our project. We couldn't have been more pleased with out decision.
"CIKATRO VIZAGO" custom action figure
featuring Increased Articulation
created by SWK Kustoms
created by SWK KUSTOMS

Other "STAR WARS: REBELS" Customs
with Accessories

Zeb's Extended Bo-Rifle

Zeb's Bo-Rifle Modification
Sabine Wren
Inquisitor Lightsaber Modifications
Agent Kallus
Zare Leonis
Tank Transport Pilot