Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Joins the Toy Drive for Eli!

Go to Yakface thread for more information!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Kessel Run Review : Special Report

For more from wookielover1138 go to her page located here:
A good fun custom doesn't always take tons of paint or a pot of boiling water. It may take a minute of Dremel action on a Blackbeard Pirates of the Caribbean head, but if you take that head and pop it onto the body of the Rancor keeper and throw on a painted plastic Jedi robe, you can get one fun custom.
Dad had to post. He loves his routine of posting a figure a week.
Jedi Master Boesaan fought valiantly during the Clone Wars but later joined Sora Bulq and Quinlan Vos among Count Dooku's dark acolytes. He died quite soon after his conversion. His death is a mystery and his body was never found.
Dad had to post. He loves his routine of posting a figure a week.
Jedi Master Boesaan fought valiantly during the Clone Wars but later joined Sora Bulq and Quinlan Vos among Count Dooku's dark acolytes. He died quite soon after his conversion. His death is a mystery and his body was never found.
Jedi Master Boesaan
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Dad Gets a Rest
Lately Dad has been laboring away working on a speeder bike for the March 2011 Build Your Own Mini-Rig Contest over at Imperial Shipyards. Dad just finished his submission if you want to take a look.
So while Dad was busy with that, I was keeping busy too with a kitbash custom that I made of a Weequay female that can now be found in my Chalmun's Cantina display at home. I made her from a Leesub Sirlin and the Vintage Wequay Skiff Guard that can be found hitting stores everywhere now. Hope you like her.
So while Dad was busy with that, I was keeping busy too with a kitbash custom that I made of a Weequay female that can now be found in my Chalmun's Cantina display at home. I made her from a Leesub Sirlin and the Vintage Wequay Skiff Guard that can be found hitting stores everywhere now. Hope you like her.
Weequay Female
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Force Is Strong With Him!
Dad and I came across this post on Action Figure Empire and we asked if we could post it on our blog too! Once I saw a fellow Star Wars collector who shared my name and who was in need of my assistance, I jumped at the chance to offer a hand. The original post appears below:

Today I want to turn this blog's attention to the story of a young Star Wars action figure collector named Eli. Eli is madly passionate about all things Star Wars and Star Wars toys. He's an outgoing little guy with a great big smile and he's also into arts and crafts, and World War 2. Eli is has been diagnosed with a rare life-threatening disease called Severe Aplastic Anemia, a disease of the bone marrow. Severe Aplastic Anemia also affects the immune system making it difficult for those who have it to be out in public. You can imagine how this makes it hard to get out and do things, visit with people, or even shop for Star Wars toys. We here at Action Figure Empire call for your support for young Eli, a fan, and a collector who needs all the support he can get right now. We ask that you donate one or more, Star Wars toys of any kind to Eli. You can Include a message of your own to Eli if you wish as well. Eli will be delighted to receive your generous donations. Please send them to:
Action Figure Empire
114 Oak Street Apt. D
Maybrook, NY 12543
From there we at AFE will then forward your generous donations to Eli. AFE is proud to create and participate in the official Toys for Eli Toy Drive. Please take a moment to contribute to Eli's Star Wars action figure collection. Every donation you give helps!
We give the Official Action Figure Empire Salute to Eli and his family.
Thank you for reading this and thank you so much for your donations!
May The Force Be With You All!
Action Figure Empire
114 Oak Street Apt. D
Maybrook, NY 12543
From there we at AFE will then forward your generous donations to Eli. AFE is proud to create and participate in the official Toys for Eli Toy Drive. Please take a moment to contribute to Eli's Star Wars action figure collection. Every donation you give helps!
We give the Official Action Figure Empire Salute to Eli and his family.
Thank you for reading this and thank you so much for your donations!
May The Force Be With You All!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Christoph, aka FialaFernbrugg, is a 23 year old customizer from Austria. Perhaps the only customizer from this small country. He has been customizing Star Wars figures and vehicles for about two years now. His focus is on Clones and Revell vehicle customs. Recently, he has started with technical drawings of Star Wars weapons and lightsabers. He is also known for his custom action figure stands and bases.
You can find his stuff on and also on YouTube where he shows most of his customs with a short tutorial.
You can see FialaFernbrugg's custom action figures on Imperial Shipyards at the link below:
as well as his vehicles here:
and FF's technical drawings here:
FialaFernbrugg also has a channel on YouTube that you can find here:
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Undercover Galactic Detectives
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Lucasclones is a customizer of mostly custom Star Wars clone and Mandalorian action figures. He particularly favors ARC troopers and has been alongside fellow customizer Wraithnine creating some Republic commando squads. He is very proud of his Clone Wars style Delta and Omega squad from the Republic Commando novels. His work can be found on Imperial Shipyards custom figure Forums and on Flickr, as well as featured in his videos from Youtube. He also customizes G.I.Joe figures and posts them on his Flickr photostream and on a G.I.Joe fan website called Joedios. We also recommend visiting his new podcast with Imperial Shipyards administrator Tamer called Custom Action Figure News.
For the link to lucasclones on Imperial Shipyards go to :
For the link to lucasclones on Flickr go to :
For the link to lucasclones on Youtube go to :
Go here to listen to the Custom Action Figure News podcast:
If there is anything you would like him to feature on a future podcast be sure to let him know at
For the link to lucasclones on Flickr go to :
For the link to lucasclones on Youtube go to :

If there is anything you would like him to feature on a future podcast be sure to let him know at
Monday, March 14, 2011
Ok. By now you probably watched the video, but if you are viewing our page from a mobile device or an Ipad, you may not have been able to watch it. As a remedy, we thought it best to display a few pictures of the figures so no one misses out.
Here's Dad's action figures of Darth Vader's Clones which he has now finally completed. These two action figures were posted before as works in progress and then in a video in their completed form. Now Dad has added his finishing touches by sculpting embellishments on the Apprentice's clothing with Apoxie Sculpt and painting the action figure in different shades of black. Vader's Clones are now ready for the unveiling.
Palpatine being the opportunist that he is, saw an opportunity to clone Anakin Skywalker when he was injured on Mustafar. Hoping that the power of the Chosen One was hidden somewhere in his DNA, Palpatine saw his chance to clone Skywalker as one not to be missed. Knowing that Skywalker's injury would prevent Vader from ever reaching his full potential as a Sith, Palpatine hoped that one day one of these clones would replace Lord Vader at his side as his new Sith apprentice once their training was complete. Due to several complications in the cloning process, only one clone was known to successfully complete the cloning process and be trained by Palpatine. The clone that was trained later destroyed the facility where Vader was being replicated knowing it would be his best chance for domination and survival, but not before he took a clone for himself to train as an apprentice. Ironically, the destruction of the cloning facility did not go as planned and both clones took heavy injuries in their escape. Both of their lungs were completely damaged and they, like Vader were forced to breath with the assistance of filtered air. Unlike Vader, they still had their limbs and thus had the ability to use Force lightening. When Palpatine and Darth Vader were killed over the moon of Endor, these clones survived in exile waiting to unleash the power of the Darkside once more.

The Master

The Apprentice

To order Apoxie Sculpt, visit here:
(They ship to every country via USPS)
To order Apoxie Sculpt, visit here:
(They ship to every country via USPS)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Check out "Customs for the Kid" on Kessel Run Review: Episode 3
Wookielover1138 has always been a fan of Star Wars, but in 2008 the Clone Wars movie hit theaters and her interest in collecting was born. Inspired by the online collecting and customizing community, she created her own review show. She wanted it to be different and showcase the creative talents of other collectors as well as the new toys out there in an entertaining way. Teaming up with her one man production crew, Kessel Run Imports, the first episode of her new show "Kessel Run Review" hit YouTube on March 2, 2011 and it's a must see. The show is well put together and the production quality is superb. The show is filled with humor and showcases some really creative skits that are just great. So if you want to check out some insightful toy reviews and be exposed to some really talented customizers, look no further...the show for you is here.
Kessel Run Review Episode 3

Here is a link to Kessel Run Imports where you can view some Star Wars comics customs and artwork:
See more from Wookielover1138 at her Youtube channel located here:
Imperial Shipyards "Design Your Own Mini-Rig Contest"
There are some great ideas and entries coming in
-- Posted by Tamer
If you haven't looked at the Imperial Shipyards "Design your own Mini-Rig Contest" I would click away! There are some great designs happening.
-- Posted by Tamer
If you haven't looked at the Imperial Shipyards "Design your own Mini-Rig Contest" I would click away! There are some great designs happening.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Here's Dad's action figures of Darth Vader's Clones which he has now finally completed. These two action figures were posted before as works in progress. Now Dad has added his finishing touches by sculpting embellishments on the Apprentice's clothing and painting him in variations of black. Vader's Clones are now ready for the unveiling.
Palpatine being the opportunist that he is, saw an opportunity to clone Anakin Skywalker when he was injured on Mustafar. Hoping that the power of the Chosen One was hidden somewhere in his DNA, Palpatine saw his chance to clone Skywalker as one not to be missed. Knowing that Skywalker's injury would prevent Vader from ever reaching his full potential as a Sith, Palpatine hoped that one day one of these clones would replace Lord Vader at his side as his new Sith apprentice once their training was complete. Due to several complications in the cloning process, only one clone was known to successfully complete the cloning process and be trained by Palpatine. The clone that was trained later destroyed the facility where Vader was being replicated knowing it would be his best chance for domination and survival, but not before he took a clone for himself to train as an apprentice. Ironically, the destruction of the cloning facility did not go as planned and both clones took heavy injuries in their escape. Both of their lungs were completely damaged and they, like Vader were forced to breath with the assistance of filtered air. Unlike Vader, they still had their limbs and thus had the ability to use Force lightening. When Palpatine and Darth Vader were killed over the moon of Endor, these clones survived in exile waiting to unleash the power of the Darkside once more.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ron Hembling aka HemblesCreations ADDED TO "CUSTOMS I WISH I OWNED"
Ron Hembling or as a lot of you know him by as Hemble is a name that almost every Star Wars and Indiana Jones customizer knows. He's talent in creating such life like diorama's are among the best out there, is paint applications also add to the realism of not just his diorama's but also his figure's.
Ron also does other custom figures and diorama's ranging from Super hero's to sci-fi, Ron also has a great reputation for helping others when asked and loves to help all customizers became the best they can.
HemblesCreations on Facebook
HemblesCreations on Instagram
Ron Hembling or as a lot of you know him by as Hemble is a name that almost every Star Wars and Indiana Jones customizer knows. He's talent in creating such life like diorama's are among the best out there, is paint applications also add to the realism of not just his diorama's but also his figure's.
Ron also does other custom figures and diorama's ranging from Super hero's to sci-fi, Ron also has a great reputation for helping others when asked and loves to help all customizers became the best they can.
Watch his videos at the link below:
HemblesCreations on Facebook
HemblesCreations on Instagram
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Dad Creates a Wookiee Padawan
Dad kept seeing Wookiee Jedi in many of the Star Wars customizing forums and really wanted to make one, but wanted to make a unique addition to the forums when he sat down to make one. Now that Dad is starting to sculpt his own pieces, he felt now was the best time to tackle to Wookiee Jedi. Dad broke out the Aves Apoxie Sculpt and sculpted a one of a kind head for his Wookiee Padawan. It took several hours to make, but Dad was really happy with the results.
created by Darth Daddy
created by Darth Daddy
This Jedi Padawan uses not one but two lightsabers in battle.
The Wookiee Padawan was created with
the head, lower arms and legs of a Legacy Collection Chewbacca, and the
torso and upper arms and legs of a Legacy Collection Obi Wan Kenobi.
Too see JACKOFTRADZE's Wookiee Jedi Master post go the the link below:
To order Apoxie Sculpt, visit here:
(They ship to every country via USPS)
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