Sunday, March 23, 2025

"STAR WARS REBELS" HONDO OHNAKA painted by "Customs for the Kid"

Darth Daddy has been working in the background painting up some more third party offerings to flesh out our Star Wars Rebels action figure collection. This is the fourth 3D print model created and sold by Angry Raccoon Miniatures that we painted up in celebration of adding The Ghost to our collection via HasLab.

While our original Hondo was a decent figure, we felt the sculpt provided by Angry Raccoon Miniatures had proportions more faithful to the Rebels animated style.  While we lost a lot of articulation with this 5poa version, screen accuracy almost always takes precedence when we make something to add to our shelf display.  We hope you enjoy this figure as much as we do!

painted by
"Customs for the Kid"

Thursday, March 6, 2025

"STAR WARS REBELS" KETSU ONYO painted by Elias of "Customs of the Kid"

Ever since we saw her on screen in Season 2 of "Star Wars Rebels", I knew that I wanted Ketsu Onyo represented in my action figure collection. Since my animated collection is grander than what we have acquired in the TVC collection so far, we felt it fitting to utilize the talent of Angry Raccoon Miniatures once more. We love picking up his many 3D print model releases and this action figure is no exception. She painted up beautifully. All her markings were quite the challenge and a bit tedious to apply, but I can't help but appreciate the effort when the results are so fantastic.

Ketsu Onyo was a human female Mandalorian from Shukut who worked as a bounty hunter in the employ of Black Sun in the years prior to the Battle of Yavin. She was a friend of Sabine Wren and helped the cadet escape from the Imperial Academy on Mandalore. The two became bounty hunting partners before she and Wren parted on bad terms, and Wren joined the Spectres. After leaving Sabine for dead, Ketsu joined Black Sun.

Ketsu later resurfaced on Garel where she accepted a job from Black Sun to steal a GNK-series power droid called EG-86, who was carrying sensitive information. However, this job brought her into conflict with Wren and her rebel associates Chopper and Ezra Bridger. Following a struggle that ended in the space above Garel, Ketsu and Sabine reconciled and the two joined forces to escape an Arquitens-class command cruiser and deliver EG-86 to the rebellion on Havoc Outpost. While Ketsu declined Wren's offer to join the rebellion, the two parted on friendly terms.

painted by 
Elias of "Customs for the Kid"

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"STAR WARS REBELS" LANDO CALRISSIAN painted by “Customs for the Kid”

We recently received the HasLab - Ghost on our front step, and ever since, Star Wars Rebels has been on our minds. The Star Wars Rebels 3.75 inch offerings were slim, so we’ve been doing our best to fill the collection out. Our friend Angry Raccoon Miniatures created a beautiful Lando Calrissian sculpt and we’re big Lando fans, so we needed to have him represented on our shelf.

Dad took advantage of the holiday weekend and helped me out with creating a post for the blog. Dad purchased this model a while back with hopes of adding it to my shelf, but a busy work schedule prevented him from painting up a lot of Angry Racoon Minatures models we have sitting in a drawer waiting for paint. We have quite a lot to get to still. I grabbed a model too but mine has a ways to go still. Dad came just short of finishing this figure so I hopped in at the last minute and painted the eyes, white lines on the shirt and did minor touchups in one or two spots where the paint went rogue.

We highly recommend picking these up. These action figures are as simple as trim, assemble, and paint!

painted by “Customs for the Kid”

Saturday, February 8, 2025

3.75" "THE MANDALORIAN - SEASON THREE" CAPTAIN BOMBARDIER custom action figure created by Elias

For our first fully sculpted project of 2025, we’ve created Captain Bombardier played by Jack Black!  This action figure was a commission, so unfortunately we won’t be keeping it, but it was so much fun to bring to life!

The base of this figure was a Movie Heroes Series Jek Porkins.  I had to sand away every feature of the flight suit, and sculpt the New Republic Captain uniform.  I sculpted the head in ZBrush studying several pictures of Jack Black so I could really capture his likeness.  Likeness is a very subtle thing, and even the smallest difference can keep your sculpt from conveying the identity of your subject, but in the end I think I captivated the cheer of Mr. Black.


created by Elias