Saturday, June 7, 2014

"Beyghor Sahdett" created by Darth Daddy

I always wanted a Verpine Jedi in my collection. When Dad saw a Verpine head cast being sold at Doc Outland's Production Platform 3 ecrater store, he jumped at the chance to get one so he could make me this custom action figure.  Dad used the head cast he purchased with the upper torso of a Clone Wars Quinlan Vos action figure that was complemented by the arms, legs, and lower torso of a Clone Wars Geonosian Warrior.  Dad modified the wings with a Dremel to give them a more rounded appearance. While Dad will admit, that the Jedi robes he used to create his Beyghor Sahdett, aren't ones that he wore in the Dark Times comic, Dad felt like they were good enough for what he was making for me.  Dad said maybe he would make a more accurate looking figure sometime in the future, but he felt this figure fit very comfortably in his "done for now" group of customs.

"Beyghor Sahdett was a Verpine Jedi Master who lived during the final years of the Galactic Republic, and into the reign of the new Galactic Empire. Following the enactment of Contingency Order 66 by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Sahdett was captured by the Empire and converted into an agent for the Sith. Going undercover to hunt Jedi, Sahdett joined the crew of the Uhumele in search of fellow survivor, Jedi Master Dass Jennir.  After informing Vader that his role for Palpatine was to eliminate Jedi in his place, the Sith Lord decapitated Sahdett."

"Beyghor Sahdett" 
created by Darth Daddy


"Beyghor Sehdett" was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

Production Platform 3 ecrater store:

Production Platform 3 on Facebook:

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Darth Daddy's Customizing Corner featured Star Wars customizer JediStyle in the latest Customizing Corner over at The Star Wars Underworld.

Erik Chavez aka JediStyle not only has one of the coolest monikers in the Star Wars customizing community, as an artist, he has the creativity and skill wothy of the name. This Southern California customizer was one of the first artists that really caught my eye when I first started making my own figures and posting them the forums. I have long admired JediStyle's creative character creations, and his ability to apply paint with such beautiful contrasts and colors that REALLY make his action figures pop.  JediStyle has a great eye for color and he's one of the best painters in the Star Wars custom action figure community. I just love this customizer's imagination and his creations are a testament to how far reaching it is. There is so much to appreciate in every unique piece.  

JediStyle took some time off from the hobby about two years ago. Fortunately, he's back now and still has the ability to unhinge jaws. We talked by text last night and he just informed me that he has over 20 new customs that he hasn't posted anywhere yet due to a broken camera.  I'd love to figure out how to get a collection going so we can get this guy a camera and have him up and running again.

To see more Star Wars custom action figures created by JediStyle go to:  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Customs for the Kid" breaks a new record with over 12,000 hits in the month of May


"Custoisits fro: Tunisia, Czechia, Jordan, Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Egypt, China, South Africa, Austria, United KingdoIsrael, Portugal, Netherlands, Isle of Man, Canada, BelgiuFinland, Latvia, Mexico, Ukraine, Italy, Colombia, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, GerTaiwan, Gabon, Serbia, Nigeria, Venezuela, Australia, Chile, DenMozambique, mania, Macedonia, Algeria, Moldova, Bosnia, Herzegovina, ma, Syria, Malta, Uruguay, Lithuania, United Arab Emirates, Bolivia, Greece, maica, Guernsey, m, Sri Lanka, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, Tobago, Azerbaijan, Côte d’Ivoire, Montenegro, We apologize if we left anyone out. If you'd like, you can let us now you were here by leaving a in our co

Hangarbay94 brings us a new installment of X-Wing Alliance!

Hangarbay94 has checked back in with his latest chapter of the photo-novel series he has created based off of the the PC-ROM video game we all loved so many years ago! If you need to catch up on previous chapters be sure to give the graphic fiction section over at Imperial Shipyards a look! 

MAXX-REPLICAS Showcase Video 2014