Monday, July 20, 2015

"MOSEP BINNEED - JABBA's PALACE" created by Darth Daddy

We were really happy when Hasbro released Mosep Binneed in his Cantina outfit.  Releasing that figure gave Star Wars customizers a body and head for Tawss Khaa, and parts to create Mosep in Return of the Jedi. With an extra head we could create Mosep as he appears in Jabba's Palace.  We used the body of a Vintage Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker also from Return of the Jedi and swapped out the forearms with the gloves of an AT-ST Pilot.  I grabbed the tag that fell of of Elias' athletic shorts to use for his shawl. This was just a really quick, no paint kit-bash figure to populate the Jabba diorama on Elias' shelf.  It took less than 5 minutes to make.

After I completed this figure, I saw a version created of this character that was created by Star Wars customizer, Jabbapalacespy that I liked even more than my own.  I may revisit this character at a later date and attempt to mimic what he did.

created by Darth Daddy


"I also travel under Jabba's name from time to time, representing his interests. It doesn't hurt to confuse the competition. So yes, for today's purposes − with our master's kind permission − you can say that I am Jabba."―Mosep Binneed [src]

Mosep Binneed was a Nimbanel accountant who served Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Like most of his species, Binneed entered a bureaucratic profession and worked for the Hutts, eventually ending up on Tatooine during the early Galactic Civil War. Operating out of Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine in the Outer Rim, Binneed managed the finances of crime lord Jabba the Hutt to the best of his efforts, along with a number of other accountants, many of whom were also Nimbanese. He was present in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in 0 BBY whenObi-Wan Kenobi attacked Ponda Baba with a lightsaber.

After the death of Binneed's superior, Lhojugg, Binneed took charge of Jabba's financial affairs and was based in the Hutt's town house. He had many informants and contacts in the organizations of Jabba's criminal rivals, and he used their information to disrupt the competitors' flow of funding. However, he knew that Jabba would have no hesitation to end his life if he failed in his tasks, and Binneed was constantly in fear of such a fate. He had many underlings, though some of them wished to work against Jabba, mismanaging his books and seeking to leave his employ.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Coruscant Customs

Customs for the Kid does what we can to promote the Star Wars customizing community every free moment we get. That's why we are really excited to welcome some new customizers to our community. While still very young, Fangirls Fern and Lida Stuart recently started producing their first Star Wars custom action figures and have been documenting their work on their new blog, Coruscant Customs.  We definitely recommend checking out their artwork and showing your support.  With so few Fangirls out there participating in the customizing community, their presence is surely welcomed.

Elias was really honored when Fern Stuart told us that our blog was their inspiration to get involved in making Star Wars custom action figures.  The link to their blog appears below.

Coruscant Customs:



YAKFINITIES #56: ROUNDUP REPORT's latest Yakfinities Customizing Challenge has just concluded, and with 60 different “Rebel Militia” custom entries, there’s a ton of customizing fun for your viewing pleasure in their Roundup Report.

So kick back, relax, and check out all the entries – and also see which of the participants are walking away with some cool prizes after the jump!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


A long time ago, Star Wars customizer, I-AM-BOBA-FETT, created a cool PLNK Droid that really caught our eyes.  So much so, that we wanted one for our collection.  Originally he made the action figure utilizing two old Vintage Power Droids as his base figure.  When we asked him to make a PLNK Droid for us, we asked if he could use the new Vintage Power Droid from the 3-pack so that our PLNK Droid could have a removable lid.  I-AM-BOBA-FETT did not disappoint. He was even able to provide our custom figure with all the magnetically attached accessories that were included in his original version.  We love the way our PLNK Droid came out!

created by I-AM-BOBA-FETT

PLNK Droid
created by I-AM-BOBA-FETT

Original PLNK Droid that I-AM-BOBA-FETT made.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Darth Daddy Custom Figure Design Class Offer

Customs for the Kid is offering a pledge incentive to help fund High Adventure's campaign to release their fifth album High Five. Darth Daddy from Customs For The Kid will give you a world-class hands-on tutorial in sculpting, painting, figure customization, and design. Walk away with your own one-of-a-kind creation! The class will be offered in the Customs for the Kid studio. PLUS you receive the album download and access to the exclusive updates. You'll even get a tour of the Customs for the Kid collection!

High Adventure is a Fan-Rock band, based out of Connecticut. Since 2008, "Hi-Ad" has gathered a worldwide following of fanboys and fangirls with their passionate music about comic books, movies, video games, loving life and fandom. The band has been featured on NPR, "The Force-Cast," "RebelForce Radio," "The Indy-Cast," "The Mac-Cast," "Fanboy's Guide To The Galaxy," "The Star Wars Report," "The Star Wars Talk Show," "TechnoRetro Dads" and have played such high profile shows as New York Comic ConStar Wars CelebrationComiCONNRhode Island Comic Con and Boston Super Mega Fest!  High Adventure's music has also been featured in the soundtrack to the Star Wars documentary The Force Within Us.

Action figures and album photo by Customs for the Kid

High Adventure is teaming up with PledgeMusic to make their fifth album entitled “High Five”. It will be the first album to feature the entire 8-piece band together in the studio. All 14 songs are written and demoed and ready to record. All they need is you! High Adventure has tons of cool exclusives and incentives that you can pledge on, so check it out, watch the video, and pledge your support. They can’t wait to share their amazing new music! 

Customs for the Kid is really honored to have been asked to contribute to the album art for the latest offering from High Adventure. Lead singer Glen Nelson just told us the characters he wanted photographed together making a "high five" pose and Customs for the Kid set up the shots.