Showing posts with label Jedi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jedi. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

Human Jedi by Elias

I took a cue from Dad's way of doing figures and decided to make a quick action figure so I could play with my toys more this weekend. I just wanted an action figure that I could use to play a story that took place during the Purge of Order 66 instead of spending my entire day creating a more involved custom figure.  So here is a "quick head swap" custom action figure to make a custom Jedi action figure with no name.  This way you aren't ruining any stories if he gets the old Imperial treatment.  I used the head of the new Vintage Tantive IV Rebel Guard and the body of the Luke Skywalker that came in the 3-pack with Qui-Gon Jin and Bultar Swan.  The best part about this custom action figure is that no modification is needed.  Just snap on and snap off.  You could create the figure and use him for as long as you like.  No fodder is needed as long as you have the two figures that I used for parts.  You can even return the pieces back to their orignial owners once you're done playing.

Send us pictures of your no modification custom figures.  Be sure it takes only seconds to make,and we'll add your pictures to this post.  Don't forget to send your name and the recipe you used.

Human Jedi
by Elias

Monday, July 2, 2012

H'nemthe Jedi

This H'nemthe Jedi was created with the body of the Vintage Kit Fisto and the head of the M'liyoom. All I had to do was paint the neck post and the hands to get this one done.

"H'nemthe Jedi"
by Elias

My H'nemthe Jedi was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quarren Jedi

Dad took a break from customizing this weekend so I stepped in to take the reigns and created this Quarren Jedi action figure.  I used the body of a Clone Wars SaeseeTiin and used a head from a POTF Tessek and the hands from a Darth Maleval to create this figure.  Dad just made the head ball jointed using an Exacto knife and a dremmel so it would fit onto the head peg. After that the forearms were painted white with a black wash for weathering and the fingers of the hands were painted to match his skin tone.  Dad also used the Exacto knife to cut off the hands of Maleval from his forearms and then glued pegs to the hand to attach to the custom figure.  After that I took the pictures below for you all to enjoy.

Quarren Jedi
by Elias

My Quarren Jedi was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.