Friday, January 11, 2013


Dad wanted to create at least one more figure for the No Paint Kitbash Rally at Imperial Shipyards.   It was really cool when I came home tonight and found this Ithorian Endor Rebel Trooper.  To create the figure Dad used the hands, feet, and head of a POTF Momaw Nadon and made sure that when he added them to the body of a Vintage Orimaarko that he kept the articulation of the Vintage figure.  Dad made the head ball jointed, kept the swivel wrists, and added a swivel where both feet met the legs.  The Ithorian only took a few minutes to make.  The longest part of the entire process was waiting for the krazy glue to dry.  If you like the figure as much as we do, we recommend making one of your own.  It's too easy not to.

created by Darth Daddy


Dad's Ithorian Endor Rebel Soldier was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

CAFN: Episode 46 - 2012: The Action Figure Year In Review

CAFN: Episode 46

Join Lucasclones and Tamer as they have their first ever "Top Ten Figures of the Year Show".  Lucasclones, Zedhatch, Tamer, and Clonehead talk about the figures they thought were worthy. Dad was really honored and completely shocked when Lucasclones said that Dad's Mother Talzin was his favorite custom action figure from 2012.  It was even cooler when CAFN mentioned me as an up and coming artist! If you haven't seen the brand new and improved CAFN Page yet, be sure to give it a look.

Go here to listen to the Custom Action
Figure News podcast: 

If there is anything you would like them to feature on a future podcast be sure to let them know at:

created by Darth Daddy

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Yakfinities #47: Tatooine Residents

Tatooine Residents
created by Chewie

A new Yakfinities Customizing Challenge has just begun, and the theme takes us back to where the sand is coarse and irritating and gets everywhere. Hop on over to the forums for all the details!



So Dad was spending a few hours today updating our "Customs I Wish I Owned" archive page. As he was working, he came across the video for his friend Rob, aka Stronox, and realized that our video for his work was last updated in 2011. Stronox is very well known in customizing circles for being the artist that we all aspire to paint like. I know I'm an admirer. Dad and Stronox go way back to when we first started this blog. Stronox if you're reading this, Dad says he's looking forward to catching up. Ever since Rob had a schedule change at his job, Dad finds that he usually has to be in bed before Rob is available to talk so he can be up and functioning for his own job.

If you ever find that you want to explore other custom action figure blogs besides ours, we highly recommend visiting the blog of Stronox. Every action figure is created maximizing every figure's articulation with paint applications that are to die for.  Each figure captured with his exceptional photography skills. He is great too if your tastes venture outside the Star Wars galaxy. Stronox makes custom Marvel, DC Universe Classics, G.I. Joe, Warhammer 40k, Predator, and more. Anyone who geeks out over action figures would love his blog. It is a beautiful gallery of his work. When Stronox isn't parenting, he's either customizing figures, drawing, painting, reading, collecting toys, or gaming.


You can get to the blog for Stronox by clicking the link below:

You can see more Stronox by clicking the link below:

Go to his ebay sales page:

Also check out Stronox in our Customizer Spotlight #22:

Vilmarh Grahrk
by Stronox

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Less than One Week Left for Imperial Shipyards No Paint Kitbash Rally!

Dad has created some great kit-bashed Ewoks for me as part of our annual Christmas tradition here at home. These Ewok figures were used to decorate our Christmas tree.  Usually Dad does an improvised advent calendar event here at home where he puts a new Star Wars figure on the tree every day until we get to Christmas.  Usually the tree is mostly filled with Hasbro figures, but Dad put up a few customs this year as well.  My favorites were these No Paint Kitbashed Ewoks.

"No Paint Kitbashed Ewoks"
created by Darth Daddy



Click on through to see the latest entries over at ISY's Rally and read the contest description so you can get your own Kit-Bash on for the New Year!

Dad's Ewoks were featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Blizz3000's Star Wars Dioramas

Blizz3000 normally sells his dioramas in local duty-free stores in Thailand's national airports. The dioramas he sells there are usually of traditional Thai temples. He has been a huge fan of Star Wars for many years, so one day he started to create Star Wars dioramas to sell them on Ebay. He hopes that in the near future, he can create more Star Wars dioramas if he can get more support and customers.  I don't know about you, but I'd love to get one of his dioramas.  They are just awesome! Be sure to check out his ebay page.

Be sure to visit his ebay page:

Also give him a "Like" on Facebook:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Darth Dusty added to "Customs I Wish I Owned"

Darth Dusty is an artist that has been drawing, painting, and sculpting for over twenty-five years, and customizing for over ten. He mainly enjoys customizing figures from the expanded universe of Star Wars, and creating characters of his own, but also indulges in other areas of Pop Culture. The goal is to give people something rare, and unique, and also to challenge himself to make customs of characters that may never see the light of day on a store shelf.

Creating figures for adult collectors, he loves the use of cloth goods, and hand sculpting new parts. Darth Dusty uses many materials, such as, Acrylic Paints, Apoxy Sculpt, Casting Resins, and even puffy paint, as key elements in each creation. Darth Dusty researches many of the figures he plans to build to get as much accuracy as possible without compromising the functionality of the action figure.

Fairly retired from doing commissioned figures, he loves hearing ideas on what figures to make. Darth Dusty keeps a list of characters on the back burner, so expect to see plenty more figures to come.

Although he was just featured in our Customizer Spotlight last month, we figured now would be the best time to feature the rest of his work while interest was high.  If you thought the Force Unleashed II Starkiller that Dad got me for Christmas was cool, you should see his other customs.  Check out the video and prepare to be entertained.


Take a look at Darth Dusty's Facebook page:

Also be sure to frequently check out his eBay page:

CAFN: Episode 45 - Catching Up

CAFN: Episode 45

Join Lucasclones and Tamer as they have another chat about all things Star Wars related and the latest news from the customizing community.

Go here to listen to the Custom Action
Figure News podcast: 

If there is anything you would like them to feature on a future podcast be sure to let them know at: