Friday, October 22, 2010

X-Wing Astromech Droid

Dad painted the R2-D2 on this Vintage POTF X-Wing over a year ago to diversify my X-wing fleet. This may have been his "real" first custom come to think of it. Although back then, he didn't consider himself to be a customizer. I don't even think he knew what a customizer was back then.


Female Jedi Padawan


Dad did this one two weeks ago.

A very simple custom made from a Dragonball Z Bulma action figure and a Stass Allie body. The background makes it look cooler than it actually is, but that doesn't mean she isn't cool.

Blind Jedi Padawan

Dad made this custom after I went to bed last night. He's not crazy about it, but I like it a lot! I love the lightsaber staff.


"Dad wanted to lose the tattoo, but I liked it and wanted to keep it."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Clone Cadets: Customized with Dad's Birthday Present

Dad just had his birthday, and as a present, I got him a DREMEL tool so he can make me even cooler customs. Our first two Clone Trooper Cadet customs were his first creation using the DREMEL tool. He grinded and sanded down the heads of two Boba Fett figures we had gotten from the "new" Toys R' Us Ultimate Battle Pack and created two different hairstyles on the figures. When he was done, he painted them up to make them look as they appear below.

A few years later, I made my own two Clone Cadets from resin cast heads that Dad created using a mold from a sanded down Boba Fett head. I used some Aves Fixit and some ProCreate to scukpt my two additions.


created by Customs for the Kid

Dad was going to give the one on the left a crew cut, but I asked him to make his hair look like Commander Gree instead.


Dad's Duros Jedi

Now, in all honesty, we have seen some much better Duros Jedi action figures made previously by other customizers. These figures had soft good clothing and most were super articulated, but sometimes as a customizer, you have to work with the materials you have on hand. So that's just what Dad did. He used the body of an Episode I Mace Windu action figure and the hands and head of an Ellorrs Madak action figure to create this custom. Dad admits it's not a great Duros Jedi custom, but when it comes down to it, I'd rather have a Duros Jedi action figure that not have one.


Monday, October 11, 2010

A Quick Custom by Dad

Dad made this custom on the fly with an Anakin Skywalker Episode I action figure and a Greeata action figure that was in our fodder box. The hair was removed from the Greeata when we got her, but Dad found a plastic crown in the fodder box and was able to create some of the signature Rodian spikes along the crest of the head with some scissors and krazy glue.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Calamari and Twi'lek Bounty Hunters

So yesterday, Dad and I walked through a local retailer and we saw the new "Iron Man 2" toys being displayed for sale to coincide with this week's DVD release of the movie. We grabbed two action figures while we were there with hopes of converting them into customs when we returned home. We have seen a lot of customs made of Star Wars action figures in mechanical suits and we decided it was worth taking a crack at doing two of our own. Dad dug into the fodder box and ended up creating a Calamari Bounty Hunter and a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter. Below are the results.




Monday, October 4, 2010



Hello again and welcome once more to another edition of Customizer Spotlight. This time around, we are showcasing a custom Juno Eclipse action figure made by Insidious Customs. Eric LeFeber is a professional toy designer, game designer and marketer with over 13 years in the entertainment industry. When he's not creating new products for the top toy and game companies, he makes them for himself. He also has items for sale at his Etsy shop or on ebay auctions which we have posted at the links below. If you have something special in mind, you can even contact him for a commission.


Although Insidious Customs loved the Toys R Us exclusive box sets of figures, he still felt that Hasbro didn't get Juno Eclipse right. So in anticipation of The Force Unleashed 2 video game being released later this month, he created another Juno Eclipse and this time she's even better.

He used the new box set version of Juno as a base, replaced her long sleeved arms with custom sculpted shorter sleeve arms, sculpted that disheveled hairdo she had when she kissed the Starkiller for the first/last time, and then repainted the whole figure.

Read Insidious Customs own review of this action figure at his blog located here:

You can view his ebay profile page here:

To see his current auctions listed on ebay click here:

To see what he has available for sale on his Etsy page click here:

If you are interested in having a commission piece made you can reach him by email at:

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Star Wars: Customs I Wish I Owned

To all our readers,

We have now added a new page to our blog titled, "Star Wars: Customs I Wish I Owned." After receiving all of your messages, we have come to the conclusion that our blog is turning into a popular place for customizing artists to see other artists that are out there and what they are working on. When the site was created, we had no idea it would have become so successful. Lately, we have come to the conclusion that pretty soon my small collection of custom action figures won't be enough to keep the "Customizer's Spotlight" going forever. Dad's pockets just aren't that deep. Lol.

(cough, cough...donations welcome...)

As a solution, since we aren't "seriously" expecting any donations, we are starting the "Star Wars: Customs I Wish I Owned" page to fill the void when our "Customizer's Spotlight" posts start to wear thin. Don't worry, we still have plenty more artists to come, and we just received two boxes of fodder so we can keep cranking out some more of our own.

Hopefully, we can keep the posts coming and this new page will just be seen as an awesome addition to what is already here.

Regardless, in this new section that we are creating, we will showcase custom action figures that are
NOT in my collection. This new page will be a great place to find awesome custom artists that we aren't able to showcase in "Customizer's Spotlight" because their work hasn't found their way into my collection yet. Believe me, it isn't because I wouldn't want these incredible action figures. It will also be a place where you can find action figures made by individuals that we do have featured in "Customizer's Spotlight", but again these figures are ones that sadly are NOT in my collection. We will still be providing links to see more of these artist's work than what you see here, and we will provide you ways to obtain their customs if they have any for sale.

Check the page often. Updates will happen frequently, but since it isn't a post, you won't be notified when it happens.

Custom Artists that have already participated include: Justin Cook (aka Yak_Chewie), Luke Sprywalker, Stormforce Customs, Dan of the Dead, Tokiravensky, and Mercury Art Studios.

Feel free to send us links or pictures of your action figures to if you wish for them to be considered.

Hope you enjoy!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Last Year's Birthday Present

So with October quickly approaching, my seventh birthday is just around the corner. So naturally like any kid my age, my mind is on birthday presents. Last year, as a present for my 6th birthday, Dad restored and customized an old Dagobah playset that they used to make when he was a kid . He was really proud when he had it all finished and I loved having a new home for Yoda. I asked him to do a post for the playset, but he still hasn't gotten around to it. I figure if I put up two pictures from our weekend experiment we just documented called Saturday at Our House which is now located in the link at the top right of the screen, he will hopefully get around to doing a post for his customized Dagobah playset. Keep your fingers crossed.

Customizer Spotlight #8: Pack Rat Studios

Welcome again to Customizer Spotlight. We've gotten a lot of buzz from our readers about our latest artist and his awesome droid creation since we listed our Coming Soon post. Pack Rat Studios is a studio that specializes in Developing, Building and Painting Custom Action Figures. Most of their works are put up on ebay for Auction. Also, Pack Rat Studio deals in Vintage or Current Action Figures and Collectables.


At home we also call him Goliath.

He has fully pose-able arms, elbows, fingers and thumbs.


Originally we bought her on ebay under the listing of "Female Bounty Hunter" but she has since been incorporated into our band of pirates. She is always seen with her trusty droid R2-Bertie.

You can check out their blog by clicking the blog links on our page or by going to:

You can contact Pack Rat Studios at: