We are so happy to be posting our first custom action figure from the new Star Wars animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. We would have loved to have shown you all one sooner, but these figures take quite a lot of time to create and since we don't get advanced pictures from Lucasfilm the way Hasbro does, we are apt to move at a much slower pace as a result.
The particular figure came about because a patron commissioned us to make this one-of-a-kind piece.
This figure was so much fun to do because I got to incorporate a unique action feature into the design. Dad had an idea of how to pull it off and his plan worked wonderfully. To make our head that hides Echo's likeness underneath an articulating visor, I molded a cast of the droid head that my client purchased from Audes_Workshop with MOLD MAX 14NV and then heavily modified the casts I pulled from my mold to create something completely new and different for my client. From the mold, I ran two casts of the original sculpt our client provided in two different types of resin. The first resin headcast was poured from the rigid SMOOTH-CAST 321 resin. The second one I made from the more flexible SMOOTH-CAST 61D resin.
Once both casts were produced, I used a Dremel to isolate the sculpt of the front visor from the 61D cast freeing the piece completely from the rest of the rubbery sculpt. I kept the visor, cleaned it up and the rest of the cast was discarded.
With the 321 cast, I also used the Dremel but this time to sand the visor off completely, saving the rear and sides of the original sculpt. After sanding off the visor from the sculpt of the 321 cast, I then bored out the front of the cast so it could accept the facial likeness of Echo that we borrowed from a Clone headcast we had on hand in our fodder. I married the two elements together with my ProCreate sculpting putty fusing the Clone headcast with the remainder of the Smooth On 321 cast.
Once the sculpt dried and the figure had been fully painted, I utilized some extremely powerful, small magnets that were inserted in the head and visor so the visor could attach and articulate. I then hid the magnets in the head under some Aves Fixit sculpt and some more black paint.
The rest of the figure was fully hand sculpted onto a Clone Wars Captain Rex action figure with some ProCreate. I used several different shades of grey while painting him to make the figure appear more dynamic in his final form.
For the record, the droid arm was also acquired from Audes_Workshop and was not part of the sculpt that was done by me.
created by Elias

Head available for purchase from Rebel Kid Creations. Just click the image above to buy.