This was a really fun project that Dad and I worked on together. I had a bunch of Rodian heads in our fodder box and had the idea to make a Rodian band and added a human female dancer to round out the mix. I did the kitbashing and Dad used some Apoxie Sculpt, a few fodder pieces and paint to differentiate them and make them stand out as individuals.
The Rodian Band were well known street musicians that could be found in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. A colorful bunch that could be found in the cantina after a long day spending their hard earned credits.
The Rodian Band were well known street musicians that could be found in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. A colorful bunch that could be found in the cantina after a long day spending their hard earned credits.
created by Elias and Darth Daddy
To order Apoxie Sculpt, visit here:
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