Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello, and welcome to Customizer Spotlight #3. This time around we are happy to introduce customizer "kr2700".


Vergere (pronounced /vɚ'ʒɪɹ/) was a Fosh Jedi Knight in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Almost immediately after she hatched, Vergere was taken under the wing of Jedi Master Thracia Cho Leem, who later instructed her in the ways of the Jedi. In 33 BBY, Vergere was part of a Jedi task force sent to Asmeru by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to capture the leaders of the Nebula Front.

According to an account given by Lumiya to Jacen Solo in 40 ABY, Vergere was a rogue student, secretly studying sources outside of approved Jedi doctrine. Lumiya claimed that Vergere's studies of other rogue Jedi, including Count Dooku, had led her to Darth Sidious, and at some point between 32 BBY and 29 BBY, Vergere became a student of the Sith Lord. According to Lumiya, Vergere subsequently attempted to kill Sidious when she discovered the extent of his megalomania, but her murder attempt failed, forcing her to flee from his assassins, accepting a mission from the Jedi Council to Zonama Sekot, where she was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong and disappeared in 30 BBY, finding the Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot and secretly living with them for half a century.

During the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Vergere reappeared and tortured Jacen Solo, wanting to turn him into a future Sith apprentice. She was hunted by the New Republic and hid herself, helping Warmaster Tsavong Lah and other Yuuzhan Vong as well as Solo.

At the climactic Battle of Ebaq 9, she sacrificed herself, killing many Yuuzhan Vong and saving Solo. By 40 ABY, the Sith revealed that Vergere had also, secretly, been one of them. Eventually, Vergere's training helped turn Jacen into Darth Caedus, the Dark Lord of the Sith.

It is possible that her difficulty to be easily categorized as a Jedi or Dark Jedi inspired the retcon that re-classified Vergere as a Sith. As Vergere's final words affirmed that she saw herself as a Jedi, it is possible she saw no difficulty in holding allegiance to both the Jedi and Sith orders simultaneously, that she believed herself to be redeemed by her actions prior to her death, or that she entirely rejected the moral restrictions of both the Jedi and the Sith, a potential view similar to that of Kreia in the distant past. It should also be noted that Vergere appeared as a Force ghost to Jacen Solo shortly after her death, an ability usually manifested by (redeemed) Jedi.

taken from Wookiepedia at:

kr2700 designed and executed this wonderfully sculpted action figure from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. With a customized head, soft good skirt, and a borrowed body from Hasbro's Wioslea action figure, his Vergere action figure is top notch.

kr2700 has made a Vergere action figure 8 times already. Email him at and see if you can talk him into making one for you.

With a long history like Vergere's, this is an action figure that is capable of providing hours of play time in your Star Wars universe.

You can also pick up other "kr2700" customs on his "ebay page" located at:

and check out his "profile page" on ebay at:

Monday, August 16, 2010


Hello, and welcome to Customizer Spotlight #2. This time around we are happy to introduce customizer I-AM-BOBA-FETT. I-AM-BOBA-FETT has been making custom figures, ships, accessories, you name it, for almost 20 years. We have seen many variations of Jedi on ebay for sale, but so far I-AM-BOBA-FETT is the only customizer we have seen to tackle the Selkath.

"The Selkath were a sentient aquatic species, native to the ocean-covered planet of Manaan.

As an aquatic species, the Selkath were skilled swimmers. They resembled anthropomorphic sting rays and had blue- or green-colored skin, which was patterned for underwater camouflage, and their mouths were bracketed by cephalic lobes. They tended to stroke these during conversation, analogous to the Human habit of stroking facial hair, such as mustaches.

All members of the Selkath race had retractable, venom-tipped claws. Similar to the Wookies, the use of these claws in any form of combat or attack was considered dishonorable and a sign of madness; to do this was to give in to animal instincts unbecoming of a sentient species. "

taken from Wookiepedia at:


I-AM-BOBA-FETT sculpted the Selkath's head, left hand, and his feet then cast them in resin plastic. The clothing was completely handcrafted. The action figure is a unique piece of Star Wars inspired art. His work is generally made for display with the adult collector in mind, but I have been using him as a diorama filler as well.

Keep your eyes out for I-AM-BOBA-FETT customs for purchase at his ebay store located at:

You can also check out I-AM-BOBA-FETT customs at:

Thanks again for reading and see you at our next Customizer's Spotlight!

Battle Damaged Jet Pack Battle Droid

We had a chewed battle droid we got as a bonus for paying too much in shipping. We weren't quite sure if it was a bonus because he came with no blaster and no backpack, but we just got a sweet red battle droid rocket pack and blaster from a weapons lot, so Dad grabbed the paintbrush and painted them to match. He added some orange molten paint on the bite mark to give the droid some battle damage and added some carbon scoring all around to give him the look of a droid that's seen its share of fighting.

Battle Damaged Jet Pack Battle Droid


The Infamous Frog Octopus

My first custom action figure was the infamous Frogoctopus. Frogoctopus was known to be seen in the Mos Eisley Cantina with her friend monkey sipping passion fruit juice. The two were known for adopting a different name each day when they introduced themselves to strangers, otherwise they were only known as Monkey and Frogoctopus. Monkey and Frogoctopus were former Jedi who had escaped Order 66. Her head was more squid like, but someone called her Frogoctopus and the name stuck.


I made frogoctopus from an escaped creature of Jabba's food bowl and a spare Boba Fett rocket pack. I added a breathing tube for her with a spare clear wire tie.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rustbucket Droid

Dad took an Episode I R2-D2, grabbed the paintbrush, and created this droid we nicknamed "Rustbucket" or "Salty-D2." We made him to go with our custom pirate gang that will be posted up at a later time. Dad wanted to give him the look of a droid that spent a few years on the bottom of the ocean of Kamino with a bluish green rusted paint job.

Dad even added rust to the boosters.