Saturday, August 11, 2012

Trandoshan Mercenary

Dad grabbed a Bossk action figure and a Vintage Dengar action figure to create this figure.  He took the head, lower arms, and lower legs of the Bossk, the upper arms, upper legs, and torso of the Dengar and fit them to create this custom action figure.  Unfortunately, he isn't sure where all the accessories came from. 

"Trandoshan Mercenary"
by Darth Daddy

Dad's Trandoshan Mercenary was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Star Wars Celebration VI: Diorama Workshop & Customizing Panel

Get ready folks!  There's a reason why everybody that goes to Celebration makes an early stop and then frequent visits throughout their weekend experience to this one event that has now become the most popular event year after year.  The room for the Diorama Workshop is the favorite of children that attend Celebration because they get the experience of building their own diorama, and then being able to take their creations home at no cost, thanks to generous donations.  The children all help each other to construct a 1:18 scale Tatooine with help from the masters like Frank D'iorio.  

Hopefully, next Celebration there will be a Custom Action Figure Workshop everyone can attend.  Cross your fingers and show your support for the 1st ever Custom Action Figure Panel at this years Panel Discussion on Sunday at the Collecting Stage from 11:15am - 12:00pm.  Star Wars customizers Sillof, Sith_fire30 and Luke Sprywalker will be presenting to what we're expecting to be the panel talked about the most after Celebration VI is over.  Don't be surprised if you also see these guys over at the Diorama Workshop when you're there.  I can confirm that there will be sightings because these three artists are all diorama builders of epic proportions as well.  Definitely the place to be so fit it into your schedule.

"UnDead Nightsister" by Peakob1 Added to My Collection

Although I already have a lot of customs by Star Wars customizer Peakob1, when he asked me if I wanted his latest creation, I jumped at the chance to pick up this incredibly cool UnDead Nightsister that he created.  The detail in the sculpting and the paint applications are just amazing.  I can't wait to get the Target 3-pack that should be hitting stores soon so I can get a proper Dathomir set up going.  Look out Grievous!

UnDead Nightsister
by Peakob1

The world Dathomir holds many dark secrets -- such as ancient incantations that could raise the dead. When the planet was attacked by the Separatists during the Clone Wars, the most ancient and knowledgeable of the Nightsister clan used her power to stir the bodies of the Nightsisters graveyard. From preserved cocoons built to resemble the trees of Dathomir emerged mummified warriors. The shrieking zombies mindlessly attacked their enemies, swarming over battle droids in droves.

Peakob1's Undead Nightsister was featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Human Jedi by Elias

I took a cue from Dad's way of doing figures and decided to make a quick action figure so I could play with my toys more this weekend. I just wanted an action figure that I could use to play a story that took place during the Purge of Order 66 instead of spending my entire day creating a more involved custom figure.  So here is a "quick head swap" custom action figure to make a custom Jedi action figure with no name.  This way you aren't ruining any stories if he gets the old Imperial treatment.  I used the head of the new Vintage Tantive IV Rebel Guard and the body of the Luke Skywalker that came in the 3-pack with Qui-Gon Jin and Bultar Swan.  The best part about this custom action figure is that no modification is needed.  Just snap on and snap off.  You could create the figure and use him for as long as you like.  No fodder is needed as long as you have the two figures that I used for parts.  You can even return the pieces back to their orignial owners once you're done playing.

Send us pictures of your no modification custom figures.  Be sure it takes only seconds to make,and we'll add your pictures to this post.  Don't forget to send your name and the recipe you used.

Human Jedi
by Elias

Monday, July 30, 2012

Lucasclones' Customs: A new Facebook Group just for Action Figure Artists to sell their works is formed!

"A new Facebook Group just for Action Figure Artists to sell their works is formed! I started this group today to help out all action figure artists sell their work. Sometimes selling is a necessary evil in order to keep up the hobby! Click the link to join our group. The main focus is to sell your custom figures and avoid the hassle and fees of ebay! We need your help!" - Lucasclones