Friday, December 21, 2012

Yakfinities Deadline Approaching

As usual has had some amazing custom entries in their latest customizing challenge, that ends on December 31.  So there’s still time to whip up an entry or two for your chance at some free figures – head on over to the forums for the latest entries, which just might help inspire you if you’re stumped on any ideas for a custom!

Imperial Shipyards Will Be Holding a No Paint Kitbash Rally

Its time to get to kit-bashing!

Imperial Shipyards have announced that they will be holding a "No Paint Kitbash Rally".  It is such a great way to get the family involved in customizing. They have also decided that they are going to send out a few prizes for this based on various categories so get to kit-bashing! Click on through for the full contest details.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Yakface Secret Santa 2012

So for the last three years now, Dad has been participating in's Secret Santa event.  It has always been a huge provider of Christmas spirit in our home and was a real influence on Dad's decision to run a Secret Santa over at Imperial Shipyards this year.  This year, Dad was assigned Star Wars customizer Justin Cook aka Chewie as the recipient of his holiday custom creations.  Chewie had us our first year participating in the event and he was kind enough to send us two custom action figures rather than just the single required figure the event promoted.  

Dad wanted to return the favor when he participated in this year's event.  Because Chewie was a fan of Dad's zombie custom action figures and hints that Chewie dropped regarding his upcoming New Enloe Photonovel Chapter, Dad thought Justin would appreciate two unique Star Wars zombies.  Dad was really excited, and a little intimidated about creating custom action figures for one of his all-time  favorite Star Wars customizers.  Dad was thrilled when Chewie said he received the action figures and loved them.  Keep your eyes peeled in future chapters of Chewie's photonovel.  You may just see these guys in a chapter featuring the undead.

Abyssin & Vurk Zombies
created by Darth Daddy

Below are the recipes for the custom action figures Dad created presented in "Chewie" fashion:

Vurk Zombie Recipe:
Head - Defective Coleman Trebor head cast courtesy of SithHappens
Forearms and Lower Legs - VOTC Dengar
Torso, Thighs and Upper Arms - VOTC Bossk

Abyssin Zombie Recipe:
Head -Defective Myo head cast courtesy of SithHappens
Torso and Arms - Clone Wars (Homer Simpson) Savage Opress
Legs - Elis Helrot 
Shirt - POTC Zombie

 Chewie's Seekers of the Dark Relic Photonovel features Darth Daddy's "Vurk Zombie"

Dad's Secret Santa Zombies were featured on the front page of Imperial Shipyards.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Secret Santa Delivered. My Secret Santa Received

Got a call this morning from SithHappens and he received his Imperial Shipyards Secret Santa custom action figure package in the mail yesterday.  He said he was very pleased with what I sent.  

Dr. Saile Whitenail is a brilliant medical doctor and surgeon, but as talented as he was as a physician, he was even more well known for being a frequent patron of the local cantina.  He had a problem with mistaken identity, some well funded thugs are chasing him, and he has been on the road ever since.

"Dr. Saile Whitenail"
created by Elias

Here is the Mandalorian I received from L.E. Spry aka Luke Spywalker as my Imperial Shipyards Secret Santa gift featuring a new bucket mash up, custom rifle so he can shoulder it, a soft goods strap, removable armor, greeblied out kama and fully weathered as if he lives for a good sand storm. Spywalker also made me a small dio/stand combo in his wonderful trash to treasure style.   A really incredibly cool Secret Santa gift.  When it comes to custom action figures, they don't get any better than this.  Believe me, I've seen  a lot of customs.

 Stat tuned for an upcoming post about Dad's Secret Santa experieces.

created by Luke Sprywalker

The head is a mash-up of the newest TFU trooper helmet that was cast by Clonehead and a Jango Fett faceplate from SithHappens.