Showing posts with label Dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dad. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

Last Year's Birthday Present

So with October quickly approaching, my seventh birthday is just around the corner. So naturally like any kid my age, my mind is on birthday presents. Last year, as a present for my 6th birthday, Dad restored and customized an old Dagobah playset that they used to make when he was a kid . He was really proud when he had it all finished and I loved having a new home for Yoda. I asked him to do a post for the playset, but he still hasn't gotten around to it. I figure if I put up two pictures from our weekend experiment we just documented called Saturday at Our House which is now located in the link at the top right of the screen, he will hopefully get around to doing a post for his customized Dagobah playset. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Android Assassin

Dad made this custom a while back, but I'm only posting it now.

She carries six Cortosis blades on her back that are perfect for eliminating Jedi.

She likes to get up close and personal when she fulfills her contracts. She sends out a strong electrical stream to electrocute her mark and finish the job.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ben Kenobi "Crazy Hermit"

Ben Kenobi "Crazy Hermit"

Because it has the torso of an Empire Strikes Back - Luke Skywalker - Dagobah Training action figure, he has the four different interchangeable arms.

Dad made this action figure with the fodder box while I was at school.



We won some action figure fodder on ebay not too long ago and Dad put this action figure together the other night. He used the legs and torso of a Han Solo, the head of an Episode II Anakin Skywalker, and arms and cape of an action figure still waiting to be identified. We received the silver paint with the fodder and it really made a difference when making this Chiss pirate. We know the gun is from a G.I. Joe Baroness. Outside of that all other accessories are up to speculation.

What we like best about this action figure is that he works well with the Clone Wars and Saga Legends line of action figures. He also like that he looks great with and without the cape.


This is a picture of the action figure while it was still in development just before the final paint and seal.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Commander Wolffe

Commander Wolffe (CC-3636) is one of Dad's favorite characters in the Clone Wars television series. We were both disappointed that Hasbro hasn't decided to make him as an action figure. To quell our disappointment, we borrowed a body from a CW Admiral Yularen action figure and used the leftover head from the Echo we used to make the Cad Bane in Clone Trooper disguise and now we have us a playable Commander Wolffe. Dad had to use some filler on the inside of the head to make it all fit and painted the neck to make the skin match better.

created by Darth Daddy


Commander Wolffe
with Cybernetic Eye

created by Darth Daddy

Commander Wolffe later had his original eye replaced with a cybernetic eye after Asajj Ventress struck him with her lightsaber.

Commander Wolffe
Season 4

created by Darth Daddy

For this figure Dad boiled and popped the legs off the two Wolffe figures we had and cut off the hands off of the new 2012 Wolffe. Dad then drilled two small holes in the end of the wrists of the figure. Then Dad popped the ball hinge wrists off the older Wolffe and inserted the pegs into the newly drilled holes.

Dad modified the pegs of the old Wolffe figure at the hip's hinge to make them small enough to snap into the hip of the new 2012 Clone Wars Wolffe and then used a black wash to weather the legs to match the rest of the figure.

Cad Bane in Clone Trooper Disguise

Dad made this action figure last weekend. He used an extra Cad Bane figure, carved away the pieces on the head that weren't needed, and painted the head a solid blue. We grabbed a backpack from an extra Ahsoka figure we had from the Arianna that we made, and then Dad picked up a Clone Wars Echo action figure he saw in the supermarket and painted him to match Cad Bane in the "Children of the Force" episode.


Sunday, September 12, 2010


Dad recently took a Star Trek Nero action figure that was on clearance and did a quick paint job to turn the action figure into a Chiss pirate. It isn't his favorite custom action figure, but it is a great diorama filler.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dad Makes Me into a Jedi Padawan

As of late, Boba Fett and I have been rockin' the same hairstyle. So when Hasbro released the new "Rise of Boba Fett Ultimate Battle Pack" in stores, Dad took the opportunity to use the new Boba Fett that came with the battle pack to make me into not only an action figure, but a Jedi padawan action figure. To do this he used two figures. he used an Episode III Zett Jukasa that he bought a few weeks ago strictly with this custom in mind, and an early release of the Clone Wars Boba Fett that Dad got on ebay from Tunghori's Star Wars Army Store at We played with the Boba Fett figure for a few weeks, until yesterday when we found and bought the new "Rise of Boba Fett Ultimate Battle Pack" in a Toys R' Us located not far from where we live.

After Dad cut off the ponytail and braid from Zett Jukasa, he krazy glued the pieces to the Boba Fett figure, and carved down all the joints on the Boba Fett action figure so he wouldn't have any paint wear. After that Dad gave it one of his customized paint jobs.



Monday, August 16, 2010

Battle Damaged Jet Pack Battle Droid

We had a chewed battle droid we got as a bonus for paying too much in shipping. We weren't quite sure if it was a bonus because he came with no blaster and no backpack, but we just got a sweet red battle droid rocket pack and blaster from a weapons lot, so Dad grabbed the paintbrush and painted them to match. He added some orange molten paint on the bite mark to give the droid some battle damage and added some carbon scoring all around to give him the look of a droid that's seen its share of fighting.

Battle Damaged Jet Pack Battle Droid


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rustbucket Droid

Dad took an Episode I R2-D2, grabbed the paintbrush, and created this droid we nicknamed "Rustbucket" or "Salty-D2." We made him to go with our custom pirate gang that will be posted up at a later time. Dad wanted to give him the look of a droid that spent a few years on the bottom of the ocean of Kamino with a bluish green rusted paint job.

Dad even added rust to the boosters.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bothan Jedi

Not a completed figure, but one in the works. We're going to keep the head, but probably change out the body for one that has more articulation and soft good clothing so he can be put in vehicles. We like the way the paint came out though.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Designed By A Six Year Old Boy

Not only do I like to play with Star Wars toys, but I love to draw Star Wars characters and scenes as well. I even create my own Jedi Knights and put them in my drawings.

When I asked my dad to make two characters that I invented into action figures, the first thing he said was, "Help me Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

Before he had made Vixey and Rebekkah, he had only painted Star Wars figures to customize them. Never before had he made characters completely from scratch. The idea of making a Twi'lek with hair had him thinking he was in over his head this time.

One of my favorite creations is a Jedi Knight named Rebekkah who was a Twi'lek with long dark hair. Yep, my Twi'lek had hair. She had a Wroonian as one of her ancestors so that's where her hair came from.

One of my 1st drawings of Rebekkah (bottom right) as she is being killed during Order 66 by a clone trooper with Maris Brood in mid-air.

Dad worked on Rebekkah first. He had an extra Cesi "Doc" Eirriss laying around the house and an extra Dark Woman too. He used the head of Cesi "Doc" Eirriss as Rebekkah's head and gave it one of his customized paint jobs. He used the body of Dark Woman for the rest. His biggest challenge was how to do the hair. Fortunately, Cesi Eirriss wore flight suit headgear that covered most of her head, so Dad didn't have to figure out how the hair would attach around Rebbekah's lekku. To his relief, he only had to figure out how to attach the hair where it would come out of her hat. For her hair he bought a GI Joe Baroness action figure, ripped off the hair, cut it into three pieces and glued it to three different places around her head. My dad is more in touch with the force than he realizes.


My other favorite Jedi Knight is named Vixey who is a Vulftes, a rarely seen alien species that I created who is based on a fox.

This is Vixey (left) and Aayla Secura on Felucia.

Vixey was an even bigger challenge. There were no Star Wars characters in existence with a head like a fox that Dad could use, but he remembered seeing small plastic animals in the toy section of Target on a few occasions. The next time he went to Target, he kept his eyes peeled to see if he could locate a fox to get the job done. While there were no foxes available, he did see a gray wolf. He bought the wolf, took it home, and got to work. First he used the saw on his Gerber to take off the tail and head off the figurine. Next he went to work on the head. He used the knife of his Gerber tool to shave away the plastic and give it the shape that he needed. Because he didn't have a drill, he had to use a screw and screwdriver to bore a hole in the bottom of her head to attach to a spare Obi-Wan Kenobi body he had laying around. Guess Obi-Wan answered his call. Again Dad gave her one of his custom paint jobs and then clipped off two dog paws that he glued to where Obi-wan's feet once rested. Vixey was born. When Dad finished, he said he was officially retired from customizing.


Vixey has been updated since this post. To see the "new" Vixey action figure, click the link below: