Wednesday, June 12, 2019

"JEDI YOUNGLINGS" created by Customs for the Kid (PART ONE)

Plenty in development over here at "Customs for the Kid". This Jedi Youngling project was just totally spontaneous and decided upon only minutes before we got to work on it. We had to make something special for an upcoming episode of "Customizing The Clone Wars". Darth Daddy's plan was to make the Hondo Ohnaka "Slave I" from the same story arc by repainting the large Vintage Collection Slave I.

I had other plans. Dad just went along with me once he saw my determination. We both wanted the younglings displayed in my collection and there was no better time than the present to get started at making them. Especially with the show that they'd be featured in only being two episodes away from release. Presently, we are just about halfway done with our "Youngling" project, which is surprising considering we only started 2 weeks ago. The remaining figures to be made will likely be revealed after we wrap up the "Customizing The Clone Wars" episode dedicated to their arc. In the episode, we will be teaching our viewers how to make a set of younglings for themselves. It will also be the first place the entire set of action figures will be shown together with the new additions of Ganodi, Gungi, and Huyang.

As far as the how the workload has been divided up so far, it has been a true team project. Dad sculpted out Byph by himself and did most of Zatt. I asked to sculpt Zatt's face and his two outer tentacles. I had something specific in mind and Dad said "go for it". I also added some subtle highlights to the figure before the paint was sealed. I also sculpted Petro's head and upper torso, while Dad sculpted the arms and added articulation to the elbows and wrists. Dad also sculpted everything on Petro from the belt on down. We shared the paint on Petro. The only thing Dad did on Katooni was shorten her arms, while maintaining the original articulation. The rest of her was all me. The recipes for all the figures will be on display in PART TWO of the "Jedi Youngling" post.

Dad made Zatt, Petro and Byph's lightsabers. I made Ganodi and Katooni's lightsabers. Gungi's  lightsaber has not been started yet.

As for what's ahead, Ganodi's sculpt has been totally completed since these photos were taken. I only have to paint her and she is ready to go on the dislay shelf.


Gungi has been parted started, but finishing him before the show is a low priority. We know the host of our show, Peak-OB1 Custom Creations has a Gungi he has been working on, so making ours in time for "Customizing The Clone Wars" isn't necessary since we will have Chad's Gungi available for the episode. We still have half of Gungi's headsculpt to finish, mostly his beard as well as the hair on the sides and top of his head. We have to extend the hair above each ball joint to break up the straight lines and a few minor details need to be sculpted onto the belt that cuts diagonally across his chest before he is ready to be painted.


Here at home, we are most excited about an SLA resin 3-D print of Isotelus' Huyang that Dad just ordered and as of this posting is currently enroute to our home. Dad is hoping to modify and super-articulate the 3-D print to complete the entire set. Huyang is Dad's #1 Fan Choice figure to be made. He was hoping Huyang would have found a home at Galaxy's Edge making lightsabers with guests so he could be made into a 3.75" action figure one day, but we can only dream. Until then, better to take initiative and figure out a way to pull it off. Isotelus' design eliminated Dad's biggest obstacle, perfecting the symmetry that was would be required for a good headsculpt and torso for a droid. Isotelus also provided extra arms that could make adding articulation to the arms easier.

It was bit of a last minute decision to tackle so many figures at once, but we are so glad we made the leap!


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Customs for the Kid contributes to Nivrerex Film's "Star Wars Stop Motion Bounty Hunters"

A few months ago, Ervin Ramirez Mendez of Nivrerex Film contacted Customs for the Kid to see if we could make some Clone Wars Weequay pirates for an upcoming stop motion film he was making. We didn't have time to make a bunch of new pirates, but Darth Daddy sent Nivrerex a handful of casts from Dad's Weequay pirate headsculpt with instructions on how to paint them up once they were placed on some bodies. Ervin did an awesome job painting two of the casts for his latest "Star Wars Stop Motion Bounty Hunters" short. It was really exciting to see something we created end up in a stop motion film! Especially one that is so much fun to watch!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

CUSTOMIZER SPOTLIGHT #53: Jaeger45's "Rennek & Pucimir Thryss"

Well, we are halfway through the year, and we are confident in saying that Christopher Herman aka Jaeger45, has made the two coolest customs so far this year. When Dad first saw the soft goods robe and sculpted RAF flight suit on Jaeger45's "Rennek" we were pretty sure it was the best soft goods work we had ever seen in the 3.75" scale. From the resin beads that accent the sleeves to the fur trim, Rennek had all the bells and whistles. The fit of the robe on the action figure looked like it was made by a professional tailor.

When Dad mentioned to Jaeger45 that he was interested in having the figure commissioned, he agreed to the request and when the figure came in the mail, we were surprised to find a head and robes to make his "Pucimir Thryss" action figure in the box too! Jaeger45 said we just needed a Coffee colored Vitruvian H.A.C.K.s Blank Figure from Boss Fight Studio to complete the figure. We already had one in our fodder so we only had to paint the sandals to add him to our Jabba display.

The paint application on the figures he sent were just phenomenal, and they were two of the nicest figures we ever added to our collection. We were so thankful and we couldn't be more pleased! 

We highly recommend checking out more from this artist in the link below.

"Rennek & Pucimir Thryss"
created by Jaeger45

Background from thecardboardgalaxy.

Background from thecardboardgalaxy

To see more custom action figures from Jaeger45 click the link below:

Monday, May 20, 2019


Clone Wars custom action figure artists, Peak-OB1 Custom Creations along with Darth Daddy & Elias of "Customs for the Kid" showcase Clone Wars custom action figures from Season 5 of The Clone Wars TV series episode "Revival" .

Friday, May 17, 2019


Dad has wanted to add the Clone Wars version of Saw Gerrera to the collection for a long time now. So much so that he took it into his own hands to make it happen. The head was originally a modified Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker that Dad completely re-sculpted to more closely assemble Saw's animated persona. Dad borrowed the lower legs from the same figure and completely changed their appearance with Green Stuff and Aves Fixit to mirror Saw's onscreen look. The arms, hands, waist and thighs were from the Clone Wars Quinlan Vos action figure. Of course those were heavily modified. The upper part of his torso was fabricated from the top of the Clone Wars Phase II Clone Trooper. In the end though, Saw ended up being a 100% sculpted action figure since all the parts used were only a base on which Dad built onto.

Once Dad started Saw, I just had to make a Steela. Her legs are from the Clone Wars Padme Amidala, the forearms and hands are from a Clone Wars Cato Parasitti. The rest of the figure was a Clone Wars Aura Sing. From there I just sculpted in everything that needed to be there that wasn't with ProCreate.

We just loved adding this brother/sister set to our collection. Their appearance on our shelves was long overdue!


created by Elias

created by Darth Daddy




Lux Bonteri
by Elias of "Customs for the Kid"